Design system for the launch of the Open University's new brand platform, The Future is Open.

Design system for the launch of the Open University's new brand platform, The Future is Open. We wanted that mantra front and centre, so employed an eye-catching typographic approach with a bold new colour palette that gave our strap-line a dominant look. This type-only approach involved a headline that can be read two ways helped to debunk the idea of a set, traditional career path and championed the fact that the future is in your hands if you keep your mind open. At the heart of the system was our portal device; a metaphorical doorway to your future, with light eminating from within to hint at a positive future to come.

Creative Credits
Vicky Maguire — Chief Creative Officer
Lorenzo Fruzza — Head of Design
Rosie May Bird Smith — Senior Creative
Sam Kallen — Senior Designer
Luke Remon — Senior Designer

Project Details
Year —  2021
Client — Open University
Agency — Havas London