Single page website to showcase an article about one of the internet first viral sensations from 1997, with a retro-web aesthetic.

Website and Instagram GIF page celebrating 20 years since Mary Smich’s fake graduation speech Wear Sunscreen. In May 2017, it had been 20 years since Mary Schmich’s hypothetical graduation speech that became the first ’viral’ phenomenon that shaped the way we use the internet today - Ladies and Gentleman of the class of 97. To celebrate this, we created a web-based article that nodded to the ’ugly’ pixelated aesthetic of the time whilst using modern, responsive web-design. The reading experience was enhanced with GIFs saved in 1997 style, low-quality - but using 2017 imagery. This was to show that the speech is still just as relevant to the youth of 2017.

Creative Credits
Ben Lunt — Chief Design Officer
Louise Sloper — Head of Art
Sam Kallen — Senior Designer

Project Details
Year —  2017
Client — None
Agency — BMB London